Und ich läute das Wochenende auch gleich mit zwei Karten ein:
Yeah, tgif!!! It has been a looooonnnggg time since I had a weekend with real spare time! I am so happy!
And I welcome the weekend with two cards:
Für die erste habe ich endlich den süßen Elefanten von Mama Elephant eingeweiht - den mag ich sehr! Und ich hatte viel Spaß beim Colorieren!
For the first one I finally used the cute elephant from Mama Elephant - I love him (or her!) so much! And I had a lot of fun coloring it!
Stempel: Mama Elephant ("Ella & Friends", "Up and Away"), Simon Says Stamp ("Lots of Dots", "Sending and Wishing")
Dies: Simon Says Stamp ("Wishing")
Coloration: Copic, SU, Delta
Stempelkissen: Memento, Hero Arts, Versafine, Simon Says Stamps, Versamark, SU
Embossingpulver: Hero Arts
Cardstock: Clairefontaine, SU, Papertrey Ink
3-D-Lack: efco
Less Is More: 2 or 4 legs
Crafty Creations: Creatures
Addicted to Stamps: Make your Mark
Addicted to CAS:

Und die zweite Karte ist eine Weihnachtskarte:
And the second card is a Christmas card!
Stempel: Stamping Bella ("I believe in Santa"), Paper Smooches ("All Yule Need")
Coloration: Prismacolor, Polychromos
Cardstock: Clairefontaine Bristol,
Stempelkissen: Memento, Versafine
Fineliner: Prismacolor
Jingle Bells: Shake It Santa Baby
ABC Christmas Challenge: Keep it Simple
Stempelküche Challenge: Mai-Nachten
Glory of Christmas: Anything Goes
Weekly Christmas Card: Anything Goes
Super cards! Jo x
Two beauties here, Anni. Loving that cool Santa. And your birthday card is awesome, love the colouring and how you've worked with the images in that set. My set is still waiting to be inked up!
Thanks for sharing with us.
Anita x
Less is More
Oh my goodness!!! That floating elephant is the cutest!!!
Love both of these cards Anni!!! I love elephants!! Sensational my friend!
These are wonderful Anni, totally made me smile!
oh my, how awesome is this Anni! i love your elephant card, and your Christmas one is so charming!
Fabulous duo .
love the beautiful CAS Christmas card . The fun image has been coloured superbly .
Thanks for sharing on Christmas card Challenges
man kann doch wirklich nie genug süße Elefanten haben - eine zauberhafte Karte - danke für's Mitmachen bei ATSM
Ooohhh Anni, ich bin total verliebt in Deine zauberhafte Karte mit dem Elefanten ♡ Einfach perfekt!
Schönes freies Wochenende!
LG Anja
Love that elephant and your take on him (or better her I guess, isn't she called Ella?) enjoy your weekend!
I had a busy week so I'm just catching up on last week's comments!
Two terrific cards Anni, fabulous colouring on both!
Thanks so much
"Less is More"
What a fun Santa image and I love your CAS design.
Thanks for sharing with us at Christmas Card Challenge.
Carol x
wie geil ist die denn......bzw. SIND die denn. 2 geniale Karten mal wieder!
Danke für deine Teilnahme an der Stempelküche-challenge und viel Glück!
That is one rockin' santa ... love his awesome attire ... thanks so very much for joining us at jingle belles.
2 fabulous cards Anni - coloured perfectly as always.
Love those gorgeous elephants in your first one - I can see me HAVING to buy that set!
Simply gorgeous. Loving the fun santa one too and both work great at Less is More's Leggy challenge! thanks so much Sarah x
beide sind total goldig
liebe Grüße
Fabulous card. I love the sentiment popped from the image. The layout is beautiful. SO glad you joined us at Addicted to CAS this week
Was für wunderbare Karten, alle beide! Aber die Weihnachtskarte gefällt mir am besten (ich bin, was Weihnachten angeht, auch etwas vorbelastet!)
That elephant card...IT'S SO AMAZING!!! Honestly!! Wow. Complexly knocked my socks off! I just want to look at it all day, forever!
And the summer Santa card is awesome!!!!!! LOVE that it's off center! So fun!! ❤️
love it...sure made me smile....
Die Elefantenkarte ist ganz bezaubernd! Ich bin auch ganz vernarrt in diese süßen Elefantenstempel, die gerade überall zu kriegen sind, aber ich halte mich tapfer zurück. Und die Weihnachtskarte ist megagenial. Was für ein toller Weihnachtsmann! Danke für's Verlinken bei der Stempelküche-Challenge.
Wie schön, dass du dein Ella-Set einweihst! Soo süß! Wirklich fabelhafte Karten, liebe Anni! LG Biggi
Your birthday card is adorable and I love your fun Santa image and CAS card.
Anni I love your elephant and the Santa is fab too - your colouring really makes them both special!
Sorry to be so late commenting, I am playing catch-up!
Thank you very much for joining us.
Less is More
Fabulous cards - love your jolly Santa!
Thanks for playing at the ABC Christmas Challenge!
Helen x
Your cards have planted a smile alll over my face! Such fun...and such impressive colouring! WOW! Thank you for sharing your creativity in the ATSM gallery!
both of these are GORGEOUS but of course i'm bound to say the awesome xmas one for our "shake it, santa baby" theme at JINGLE BELLES is my favorite, right?! :)
A really great, fun CAS card - love it!
Thanks for joining us at the Glory of Christmas Challenge.
Helen x
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